Strategic education policy during COVID-19 pandemic and beyond in the Sub-region of Southeast Asia

This proceeding highlights valuable inputs from the Policy-dialogue Forum on Strategic Education Policy during COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond in the Sub-region of Southeast Asia which was held on Nov 12th2020. This Policy-dialogue forum is a follow up action from the previous e-forum on June 2nd2020 as well as comprehensive policy review study to determine to what extend educational policies in the five cluster countries has responded towards the attainment of SDG4: Quality Education as well as the unprecedented educational challenges painted by the COVIID-19 pandemic. Support from all cluster countries was indeed overwhelmed and at the same time, UNESCO through its Jakarta Office is fully committed to support its Member States in upscaling their best practices in safeguarding that ‘no child is left behind’ as an impact of COVID-19 pandemic in this region. It is the aspiration of all that this e-forum will facilitate policy dialogues to explore the strategic education policy and planning during COVID-19 and beyond as well as identifying key findings of the sub-regional policy review.


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