The Jordan Ministry of Education’s response to the Syria refugee crisis
What influences Ministry of Education leadership during crises?

Since 2011, the Syria crisis has displaced internationally more than six million people. Jordan is the third-largest host country for Syrian refugees, including more than 212,000 Syrian refugees of school age by 2018. This country study explores the way in which the Government of Jordan and specifically the Ministry of Education has responded to the influx of Syrian refugees since late 2011 and the subsequent actions of humanitarian and development actors to support this response effort until late 2019. Jordan, as a country with a long history of opening its doors to neighbours fleeing conflict, provides an interesting case for this study. Jordan’s legacy of hospitality has done much to prepare Jordanians to host refugees and has provided a signal to the international community that they have a willing partner in response. By capturing the experiences of stakeholders in Jordan, this study hopes to inform and incentivize humanitarian and development action in support of government ministries serving children and youth during crises. It provides policy recommendations to strengthen the leadership of ministries of education and collaboration with partners for quality education in crisis situations.


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