TVET in situations post-conflict and post-disaster: report of the UNESCO-UNEVOC online conference
18 p.
UNESCO-UNEVOC e-Forum "TVET in post-conflict and post-disaster settings", 16-30 April 2012

As part of its mission to support the global development of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and fostering interaction and learning among TVET stakeholders from all over the world, UNESCO-UNEVOC hosts the UNEVOC e-Forum, a virtual community of TVET experts from around the world sharing information and knowledge about different aspects of TVET. In the e-Forum participants discuss issues of relevance to TVET policy-makers, researchers and practitioners as well as disseminate information on issues and events. To further promote focused debates on crucial themes in TVET, UNESCO-UNEVOC introduced the moderator-driven e-forum discussions. Through these discussions, UNESCO-UNEVOC aims to enhance awareness and encourage wider debate and understanding, including the sharing of ongoing practices and the formulation of new ideas in the field of strategy and policy development. The discussions, guided by an expert in the field, seek experiences, expertise and feedback and wishes to inspire people to take further action. From 16 to 30 April 2012 a moderator-driven discussion was held on the topic of TVET in post-conflict and post-disaster settings. The conference attracted over 180 participants from more than 65 different countries. Whilst, internationally, there are many general TVET events and conferences held, there has so far been limited interest in the specific issues and challenges facing TVET in settings post-conflict or post-disaster. Similarly, whilst the area of post-conflict and post-disaster education has attracted considerable and growing interest in recent years, the emphasis seems to be mostly on school education rather than TVET.


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