Online and open education in Shanghai: emergency response and innovative practice during COVID-19 pandemic

This Report aims to document the emergency response and innovative experience accumulated by Shanghai in protecting students' safety and ensuring that learning is undisrupted during this challenging period. The aim is to describe the immediate and systematic actions of the local government, the innovative and inspiring practices of teachers, students, parents and education administrators, and the active and passionate engagement of the public, both learners and learning supporters. The most dynamic parts of this Report are the 18 case study examples collected from the different educational categories of preschool education, primary and secondary education, higher education, vocational education, and technical training, and formal and informal learning for parents, the elderly and the public. It is a tiny part of Shanghai's experience in combating the pandemic. However, these examples reflect the collective yet individualized approach in different situations and for different groups of learners, including rural areas, students with special needs, and psychological issues in the times when classes disrupted.


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