Adult learning and education and COVID-19
UNESCO COVID-19 Education Response. Education Sector issue notes. Issue note 2.6

The ongoing COVID-19 crisis has disrupted education provision all over the world, including adult learning and education (ALE). In August 2020, a United Nations Policy Brief, Education during COVID-19and beyond, indicated that an estimated 40 per cent of the poorest countries failed to support learners at risk during the COVID-19 crisis, and that past experiences show that both education and gender inequalities tend to be neglected in responses to disease outbreaks. Furthermore, over 11 million girls and women – from pre-primary to tertiary education – may not return to school in 2020.This crisis is forcing us to rethink how education opportunities, including ALE, are offered. The focus of this issue note is the role played by ALE and its means of delivery, such as through community learning centres (CLCs), in supporting individuals and communities to rise to challenges such as those posed by the pandemic.


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