GPE and IIEP have prepared these guidelines to support countries coming out of conflict or crises in preparing transitional education plans (TEPs). TEPs support education systems in the medium-term and ensure that progress toward the country's longer-term goals in education can be maintained. These guidelines are not exhaustive and must be adapted to each country’s context and needs. They first provide an overview of the essential characteristics of a good quality TEP, followed by a presentation of the main steps in the plan preparation process. They are accompanied by a selection of helpful resources that are mapped according to the plan preparation steps. These TEP preparation guidelines draw heavily on the IIEP-GPE Guidelines for Education Sector Plan Preparation: the planning processes followed are essentially the same, although the scope and emphasis may vary based on the context. The guidelines are not, however, meant to provide direction for countries on whether to develop a TEP versus an ESP. Rather, they are to be used once a country has decided on a TEP. The guidelines represent a first attempt to provide technical guidance in developing transitional plans; they will be updated regularly based on country experiences and feedback. Finally, these guidelines do not discuss the thematic content of the strategies to implement in crisis situations. They present only the key processes and methodological elements for developing a good quality TEP.
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