Education in emergencies coordination: harnessing humanitarian and development architecture for Education 2030

This report presents learning and recommendations emerging from the Global Partners Project (GPP), an initiative to strengthen education in emergencies (EiE) coordination. The GPP brought the Global Education Cluster (GEC), the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), and the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) together, funded by Education Cannot Wait (ECW), to undertake a comprehensive review of coordination, planning, and response structures for EiE. The project, running from 2018–2020, has served as a forum for systematic dialogue and collaboration at the global level between the Education Cluster (co-led by Save the Children and UNICEF) and UNHCR, with their respective mandates for coordination in humanitarian and refugee situations, and the INEE, a 16,000-member EiE network, which brings its functions of convening, facilitation and knowledge management to the table. To our knowledge, this is the first project of its kind, bringing sectoral coordination and technical network leads together to work across architectural, institutional and historical divides that can impede the delivery of a high-quality EiE response.

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