Attracting, recruiting and deploying teachers in refugee settings

Authored by Candyce Billy and Katja Hinz from IIEP-UNESCO with Helen West from Education Development Trust. This article is part of a series of articles on teacher management in refugee settings.


This article highlights global recommendations to attract, recruit and deploy teachers in refugee settings, and to improve the equity and gender parity dimensions of staffing processes.


Global recommendations:


Supporting teachers in refugee settings: job conditions and career pathways

Authored by Candyce Billy and Katja Hinz from IIEP-UNESCO with Helen West from Education Development Trust. This article is part of a series of articles on teacher management in refugee settings.


This article highlights global recommendations to ensure all teachers in refugee settings are appropriately compensated for their work, fairly appraised, and have access to opportunities for career progression.


Global recommendations:


Creating an enabling environment for effective teacher management in refugee settings

Authored by Candyce Billy and Katja Hinz from IIEP-UNESCO with Helen West from Education Development Trust. This article is part of a series of articles on teacher management in refugee settings.


Findings from EDT and IIEP’s multi-country case studies revealed that a set of system-level preconditions is needed to foster effective teacher management in refugee settings. These preconditions include (but are not restricted to):


Improving access to and the quality of pre- and in-service teacher professional development in refugee settings

Authored by Candyce Billy and Katja Hinz from IIEP-UNESCO with Helen West from Education Development Trust. This article is part of a series of articles on teacher management in refugee settings.


This article highlights global recommendations to improve access to and the quality of pre- and in-service teacher professional development in refugee settings.


Global recommendations:


We Teach Here: A film series on how teachers transform the lives of themselves and their students

We Teach Here is a film series that focuses on the lives of teachers working in refugee settings in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda. Some of these teachers are refugees themselves. Others are national teachers who are working with refugee learners. All are members of communities affected by crisis and displacement.

Education and Covid-19: recovering from the shock created by the pandemic and building back better

This booklet draws on research-based knowledge generated during the Covid-19 crisis and on previous research on germane topics, to suggest a framework that supports the development of contextually relevant educational strategies to teach during and after the pandemic. The booklet is addressed to education administrators at the school and system level. It was written with the acknowledgment that the pandemic is still ongoing in much of the world, and that interruptions to education in many parts of the world are likely to continue through 2022, and perhaps beyond.