Regional Consultation Meeting on Education and Resilience in East Asia and the Pacific: Developing Guidance for Programmes and Policies that Promote Social Cohesion and Comprehensive School Safety
Regional Consultation Meeting on Education and Resilience in East Asia and the Pacific: Developing Guidance for Programmes and Policies that Promote Social Cohesion and Comprehensive School Safety, Quezon City, Philippines, 4-7 November 2014

The Regional Guidance presented in this document is intended to assist governments, Ministries of Education (MoEs), education agencies and communities in East Asia and the Pacific to develop policies and programmes to strengthen resilience of their education systems in promoting social cohesion and comprehensive school safety. The Guidance is a set of recommendations from which education sector actors can select those approaches and strategies that best serve their unique contexts. The intended audience for the Guidance includes the following:

- Governments/MoEs

- Technical partners, including UN agencies, NGOs, IFRC, community based organizations (CSOs) and academia

- Education practitioners and communities


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