Guide d’évaluation des plans de transition pour le secteur de l’éducation

n response to the call for greater effort and investment in crisis-affected and challenging situations, the Global Partnership for Education and UNESCO’s International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) developed transitional education sector plan (TEP) appraisal guidelines to support countries in developing robust TEPs. The objective of these guidelines is to assist education stakeholders, in particular development partner groups (DPGs), in appraising the soundness of TEPs. The TEP guidelines complement the plan preparation guidelines by providing a set of questions that together shape the assessment of the soundness and credibility of the plan. The appraisal is meant to be an independent assessment, carried out by actors who have not contributed to the TEP’s preparation in order to provide a fair review of its strengths and of areas needing improvement. Ultimately, the goal of the appraisal is to support partner countries in the development and finalization of a sound TEP before endorsement by partners, which signifies their commitment to support the implementation of the TEP. The appraisal guidelines include three main sections. The first describes the appraisal process; the second includes a series of guiding questions that cover the key characteristics of a credible TEP. As discussed in the Transitional Education Plan Preparation Guidelines, a credible TEP is evidence-based, sensitive to context, and pays attention to disparities - strategic, targeted and operational. The third section of these guidelines presents a more focused set of core appraisal questions to be applied to all TEPs

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